AC technology aims to spread active microorganisms that outcompete harmful ones and clean the environment, collect dangerous oxygen radicals and make nutrients available to the soil.
The discovery of TUERO HIGA has evolved into an extensive technology with fantastic potential applications in agriculture, animal husbandry, food production, environmental protection and beekeeping.
In AC, lactic acid, yeast and photosynthesis bacteria coexist, are unmodified and act to rejuvenate, reconnect and antioxidize the environment.
The three main actions of EM are:
Purification, i.e. the degradation of the decay process, offensive odours and toxic substances in the environment.
The antioxidant capacity, picking up dangerous oxygen radicals.
Fermentation, the conversion of organic residues into valuable raw materials.
In beekeeping it has been observed that:
It strengthens the bees to withstand very low temperatures.
Strong populations collect pollen early, which stimulates the queen to produce eggs earlier.
The population grows vigorously and when flowering begins there are many workers to collect large amounts of nectar.
We clarify that EM technology is used primarily as a preventive measure to strengthen the bees.>>